Reflecting/South Dakota

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The cross and its power brings me to a place time and time again of absolute gratefulness. This Savior so full of love beckoned me to Him and in return bestowed upon me a life so rich and so grand. The holidays this year will be unlike any I've ever experienced. There are so many changes in my life that happen to be falling around this time.
I got to spend Thanksgiving in South Carolina with the Troutman clan. I was once again welcomed with open arms by my new family. There was plenty of laughter, delicious food and endless football.
I was challenged that same weekend when I heard and despite being incredibly tired, took something from a great message at church. Was I fully grasping not only the magnitude of amazing changes happening but my heavenly father, who orchestrated it and was in the midst of it all? Had I taken the time to prayerfully come to Him, thanking Him and asking for His continued guidance throughout?
I guess I am just reflecting, and I appreciate you sticking it out.
So, I'll be heading to South Dakota in less than a month for my brother's wedding. Yes, SD in January. Is my brother and new sister in law insane? Of course they are. But, people that I love dearly will be there with me to laugh at the insanity.
I leave you with weather averages and a photo of houses drenched in snow from South Dakota. Enjoy.
Average Temperatures: January, 21.9° F
Average Annual Precipitation: 39.1 inches of snow