An Amazing Woman; my Grummy

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Slack doesn't begin to describe how horribly behind I am in blogging. I have struggled to find true inspiration. I started a couple of blogs but just didn't finish them. I think I was preparing for this one.

My mother's mother, Gwen Lutterman, known to family as Grummy, passed away on Feb. 8th around 4 in the afternoon. She was diagnosed with ovarian cancer only 1-2 weeks prior to her passing.

Will and I were totally blessed to be able to fly to Richmond 1 week before her death. At the time, we had no clue how far along the condition was, but we knew it could have been quite bad. I am so glad we made that decision to go. We were able to sit with Grummy in the hospital and talk and pray and laugh. She was in good spirits, and it is a wonderful memory that we have. When she went home a few days later, she was told she had between 1 and 3 months. It was 2 days. When I knew there was no way to fly there to see her one last time, I decided I would write a letter and email it to my mom for my mom to read to her. I'm not going to share the letter word for word, but I will share some highlights.

Some memories with my grandma:

1. I was introduced to the Chronicles of Narnia because of my grandma. I found these set of books when I was around 12, on her bookshelf, and they were so intriguing to me. I asked if I could borrow them, and devoured them all in a short amount of time. When I think of those books, I automatically think of her. I was able to take that set from her bookshelf home with me. I will cherish that forever.

2. Growing up, we lived next door to my grandparents, so we spent a lot of time together. I remember my brother hiding one of Grummy's shoes when she was there so she couldn't leave. She would tell him she needed to go, and he wouldn't give up the shoe. It was a constant thing. I loved it!

3. My mom and grandma were really into organics for a while and would get chickens and eggs and beef from an organic farm a few hours away. They would always go in the summer, in the blazing heat. I remember Grummy would pack a bag of healthy snacks. Nuts, veggies and a banana. That banana would permeate the air as we drove along. I would drift away in the hot back seat to the smell of a potent banana.

4. I remember spending the night with grandma a few times. We would pop pop corn and watch Andy Griffith episodes. Grummy always called him Andy Griffin. I never corrected her and thought it was so cute when she said that. I call him Andy Griffin sometimes in honor of her.

5. Winter consisted of puzzles being worked indoors. I love working puzzles because of her. Summer would consist of games on the porch. Games like chickenfoot (domino game) and some card games. Coca Cola or Root Beer and games. Ahhh, the absolute goodness of that.

6. Prayer. My grandma was a pray warrior. The six years my brother and I travelled and did music, she was constantly praying for our safety. I knew that whenever we set out, we were being prayed for and wouldn't stop being prayed for until we were safely home. I'm sure she didn't stop praying then either.

My grandma was a humble, God honoring, woman who pursued holiness and morality in her life. She is truly missed, but she is in Heaven with her Lord and Savior. That is pretty awesome.

In addition to the books, I also nabbed a sweater of hers. I'm wrapped up in it now, as I write this. I appreciate your prayers so much as we've been dealing with all of this. It's definitely been a tough time, but God has been completely faithful and has offered such a peace. He is truly amazing!

Love to you all.