And then there was Bananas Foster

10:22 AM 5 Comments »
"High-low" was a little game that my friend, Laura, and I would play at the end of our day while in Europe last summer. It pretty much sounds like it is; high and low point of the day. I was reminded of that when I experienced my high at the Cheesecake Bistro yesterday.
I met mom for a little shopping, and we decided to grab a bite to conclude our evening. (our salad was good and yes I’m throwing that in there to make up for what comes next-dessert!) Now, just a few bites of something sweet was required and well, hello, we were at the “cheesecake” Bistro, so naturally we ordered a slice. Usually, I would lean towards, oh say, white chocolate or raspberry or strawberry. For some reason though, I felt like trying something completely different and ordered the Bananas Foster Cheesecake. I figured it couldn’t be so bad.
I hadn’t figured on just how “not so bad” it would be. There was a syrupy and sweet party going on in my tummy. Bananas, caramel, sugar, pecans, graham cracker crust, whipped cream, cinnamon, OH MY!! Definitely a high. Check out the video and witness a true tummy party.

This is Pure Foul

8:32 AM 1 Comment »
As I was entering the doors at work this morning and making my way up the stairs to my area, it hit me. Something reeks. The further I got up the stairs the stronger it got and upon arrival of my desk it was straight up foul. No solution could be found when I asked my co-workers. With slight familiarity to the stench, I have thoughts on what it could be;

1. An animal got trapped in the ceiling and lives no more
2. Someone has a gallon of milk stashed in their office
3. Someone blew up the bathroom in what could only be the explosion of the decade.

I have a Warm Apple Crisp candle burning on my desk which offers some relief but at times mixes with the beast and turns this sickening new smell. I am gladly accepting ideas or insights to my current plight. Any creative, intuitive or humorous suggestions, bring it!

Adidas Response

2:24 PM 5 Comments »
The reality has hit me that with this new addition to my life called blogging, comes one more thing to keep up with. I can be fairly undisciplined at times and tend to go through spurts and cycles. I kind of hate that about myself and really want to make strides to improving. There is something healing about admission, right?

I want to pat myself on the back and wish for you all to as well after reading this. Working out is no stranger to my undisciplined cyclic patterns and with this crazy summer of traveling and what not, I have definitely let exercise slip by the wayside. I have, however, in this last week put it back into my rotation. Let me briefly (yes, Will, I said briefly) tell you about how I got back on the horse; the horse I want to stay on.

I think we all need a little motivation sometimes and 2 weekends ago, when my awesome boyfriend, Will, made his way up to ole’ Richmond (story for another blog) the motivation was purchased; purchased in the form of my new running shoes.

Saturday took Will and I out and about to explore and see the sights in the beautiful weather. Our last stop was to Dick’s sporting goods where our initial goal was to purchase a football but, it quickly became much more than that. My running shoes at the time were at least a half size too big, and I had been using them for more than 5 years. Yeah, ridiculous. So, with the suggestion of the boyfriend, we perused the shoes. I ended up trying on several pair and eventually landed on the super cute, lightweight Adidas Response. I knew as I sat there with this new shoe on my foot, that this was the motivation I needed; proper and really cute shoes.

I am proud to say that since that purchase, my body, carried along by my new Adidas has found itself atop the elliptical machine and on the run for over a week now. If you were wondering, the football was also purchased, thanks to Will (also super cute) and is getting good use.

So, get off your couches, turn the Halo off, close the mini-fridge and get out there. New shoes, running buddy, whatever it takes; it is really worth it, and I hope this trend continues! I am off. Where? To work out, of course.