This is Pure Foul

8:32 AM 1 Comment »
As I was entering the doors at work this morning and making my way up the stairs to my area, it hit me. Something reeks. The further I got up the stairs the stronger it got and upon arrival of my desk it was straight up foul. No solution could be found when I asked my co-workers. With slight familiarity to the stench, I have thoughts on what it could be;

1. An animal got trapped in the ceiling and lives no more
2. Someone has a gallon of milk stashed in their office
3. Someone blew up the bathroom in what could only be the explosion of the decade.

I have a Warm Apple Crisp candle burning on my desk which offers some relief but at times mixes with the beast and turns this sickening new smell. I am gladly accepting ideas or insights to my current plight. Any creative, intuitive or humorous suggestions, bring it!


Jarröt said...

Throw some Jesus at it...