And then there was Bananas Foster

10:22 AM 5 Comments »
"High-low" was a little game that my friend, Laura, and I would play at the end of our day while in Europe last summer. It pretty much sounds like it is; high and low point of the day. I was reminded of that when I experienced my high at the Cheesecake Bistro yesterday.
I met mom for a little shopping, and we decided to grab a bite to conclude our evening. (our salad was good and yes I’m throwing that in there to make up for what comes next-dessert!) Now, just a few bites of something sweet was required and well, hello, we were at the “cheesecake” Bistro, so naturally we ordered a slice. Usually, I would lean towards, oh say, white chocolate or raspberry or strawberry. For some reason though, I felt like trying something completely different and ordered the Bananas Foster Cheesecake. I figured it couldn’t be so bad.
I hadn’t figured on just how “not so bad” it would be. There was a syrupy and sweet party going on in my tummy. Bananas, caramel, sugar, pecans, graham cracker crust, whipped cream, cinnamon, OH MY!! Definitely a high. Check out the video and witness a true tummy party.


Jarröt said...

The sad part about that movie, is you don't get to see the happy stomach acid juices coming out from everything having a "party yeah! With that food in his tummy YEAH!" Slowly eating away and destroying those little faces!

Will and Sarah said...

Cheesecake has a permenant invite to my tummy party!

Unknown said...

Party in my tummy indeed. Banana and Cheesecake is a combination that I am sure God deliberately put into someone's mind.

Becky said...

What a riot!!! Thanks for the laughs....wait until I show Jim! ha ha

jordyn burton said...

Wow that was interesting. But you know it probably wouldn't feel too good to have a "Party in My Tummy". Hmm.. Something to contemplate.. Have a wonderful day!! :)