Da Beach Yo

7:36 AM 2 Comments »
Happy Monday wishes to all of you! I experienced a rather gloomy drive to work today. Misty and foggy accompanied my journey, but I am happy to say that as I sit here now, writing, I see a peek of sunlight. It's amazing what sun can do. God is beyond wise and creative.

Well, as I was getting ready this morning, I was thinking about our trip to the beach next week. I felt giddy rising up in my body over the fact that it was merely days away. It was then that it hit me, a blog idea!

A Giddy Me

I thought I would highlight the past two years and how Litchfield by the Sea has become a summer tradition.

So, two summers ago, Will and I were just dating, and I was meeting his family for the first time. I remember it was late when I got in, and Mama Gayle waited up past her bedtime to meet me. There they were...Will's parents who I'd heard so much about. They were so good to me. I felt more than welcomed, and I can honestly say that the love and kindness showed to me on that first visit hasn't decreased in the slightest. I still feel completely honored in their presence. I love you both. Oh, and happy belated birthday, Daddy Ron. :)

The week with the Troutmans was grand. We ate fantastic food, lounged by the pool and on the beach and even made our way to a beautiful garden. The beauty was short lived that day, however, as the heat gradually began to melt away our ability to reason and think.

Mama Gayle emerges from the Fountain at Brookgreen Gardens

Not only did I get to meet the parents, but I got to meet Will's other sister, Liz. I already knew Laura (hence the connection between Will and I in the first place), but it was such a blessing to meet Liz and fall in love with her on the first visit. She is an amazing woman of God, and I feel honored to call her my sister.

A Blonde me and my beautiful Liz

Last year, the newly married couple got to go to the beach yet again. I think it is time to say a huge thank you to Will's uncle, who graciously extends his beach condo to family. It is his generosity that allows Will and I to look forward to a week at the beach without the worries of saving for a hotel. Thank you, Uncle Jim from the bottom of our hearts!

Back to last year....we invited my brother and his wife (also newly married at the time) to vacation with us. Kristi (my other new sister), is from South Dakota, so she hasn't had much beach in her life. It was fun to watch her and Jason have a blast in the water. It was like watching two little kids, and I mean that in the most indeering way. Precious.

We played games, ate some yummy food, played a roller coaster of emotions game of putt-putt, etc. etc. I was on a wicked medication that made me equally as wicked at times. I think Jason and Kristi thought I was going to beat them with my club or drive the score keeping pencil into their temples, and Will was concerned for the dragon, the mascot and main atraction at this particular putt-putt locale. Thankfully nobody was harmed, and we can look back and laugh.

The Four of us Before I became Caveman

This year will bring the Burtons and Troutmans together once again for more beach time fun. Later in the week, Liz will join us. We're thrilled and can't wait for it!

We'll take some pictures and post them with details of the trip in a later blog.


Have supa dupa weeks everyone!

Manufacturing Blastotrons,

Life is Good!

7:14 AM 1 Comment »
I know, I know...it's been a while, but I believe my husband has supplied everyone with enough blogs this week to keep the masses satisfied. Well, I hope you all are starting out your summers splendidly. One more week and Will and I head to the beach. We are beyond thrilled!

Today, I would like some insight into the trend that is, "Life is Good" paraphernalia. This look that I see plastered on so many well meaning people baffles me. Like this guy here. He looks like he presents himself well, works out, etc., and he decided to go with this shirt for the day. Really??

I have some rad theories on what just might happen if you come in contact with something "Life is Good".

1. Do the images come to life and teach you miraculous truths? Like in the mug below, I imagine the dog dropping the marshmallow he is roasting and jumping out of the mug right into your lap. He then starts to blow your mind with earth shattering knowledge and before you know it, he has leapt back to his ceramic world and is roasting marshmallows. You never know when he'll return, so you keep dat mug, drink out of dat mug and hope one day that the wise canine will jump out of dat mug once again.

2. Theory #2 has to do with teleportation. I believe that there is a possibility that whenever you wear something "Life is Good", whether it be a hat, a shirt, slippers, a necklace, running shorts, you are magically teleported to that scene. I'll give you some examples form the pictures below. First is our tennis pro on the cap. He or she is obviously enjoying life to the fullest. When the hat is on your head for total of 3 hours, you feel a burning sensation in your temples and a flash of white light appears. You then become a cartoon character tennis champion, and you are battling it out with other characters from LIG (life is good).

Shirts are different, however. You've got to don those babies for a total of 8 hours before the magic begins. And you wouldn't believe how friendly the lobsters are when you cross over into their world. Look how happy he is!

3. There simply must be a 3rd theory to keep in line with Will's first blog of the week. If that makes no sense to you, you haven't read his blog on the #3....okay I'll stop touting and promoting the husband. Onto the the final theory. And that is the theory of protection. A lot of the LIG stuff isn't necessarily clothing but more decoration, such as a bumper sticker. I believe that when you stick one on your car, truck, scooter or even boogie board, you inpenitrable to accidents or angry drivers. There is a catch, however. LIG wants to be sure that you are true to them, so you must have said sticker plastered for a total of 2 years. I know...I know. That is a lot of commitment but look at the benefits.

Just imagine that in a moment of poor judgement, you cut someone off. They careen into a bridge and their car is in flames. But then you see then crawl from the fiery mass and through the smoke you see a thumbs up, and they simply smile and say, "Life is Good".

This rule doesn't apply with boogie boards, however. The water could cause them to peel. If they do fall off, just replace them for a year and you the power will be yours.

And there you have it, my friends. I have gone all out and taken things too far as I work my way back into the hearts of my faithful readers. I hope you have enjoyed this randomness and to those of you who are reading that own LIG threads or decor of any kind, rock on and share with me your love of it!

Hugs and high kicks to you all!!