The iphone

7:54 AM 2 Comments » I am more than ready for the warm weather to be here. We're springing forward this weekend which means more daylight, which means a giddy Sarah. Will and I are looking forward to being outdoors and enjoying the extended evenings.

Well, I've recently been quite bombarded by commercials for the iphone. You know the ones..."Need to split a check for 5, we've got an app for that", "Going skiing and need to know how much snow has fallen, we've got an app for that". As a result of that bombardment and as a result of being around people with bad phone etiquette, I've developed quite a distaste for the iphone. I'm a mac girl and a technology girl, and I admit that it's cool as junk, but I'm over it.

I recently saw an "app" for books on the phone. Really? I want to hold a book in my hands. I want to feel the cover and the pages and smell the goodness that is a book. I don't want it to be read on something the size of a phone.

Regular cell phones are enough of a distraction, and I want to have real conversations with people without the slow glance down at their iphone or blackberry. It's like I'm interesting, but what's on this screen is more interesting. Seinfeld did a bit about that on Conan the other night. It's so true!

I'm not bashing any of you for having one. I'm just stating my own personal opinion and boy am I opinionated!

Love to all!!


ryan said...

while i agree with you greatly i fight this very thing in my own life. almost as if it tis a stumbling block!!! help!

chirsta and i got blackberry curves, they are addictive but painfully helpful. what are ya gonna do!??! and i follow you on twitter now so thats sweet.....and what that had to do with anything...couldn't say. i'm out!!!

Janie Mercer Slater said...

Sarah, well said. Nothing digital will EVER replace a book in my hands. I'm a book person. And I hate people with impolite iPhone etiquette. You never choose to look at a phone/screen over a "live" person. NEVER. I consider myself a "polite" iPhoner.

All that said, my iPhone is my little piece of OH-MY-GOSH-THIS-IS-WACKY-FUN's my little digital friend.

I think you need to take the leap.