Amazing book, Awesome scene, Average movie...

6:41 AM 2 Comments »
Hello! Happy springtime. It's finally warming up, and if feels amazing!

Well, my twin cousins came for a visit a couple of months ago, and they brought Twilight with them for me to read. I was intrigued, but it sat on my shelf for about 1 month and a half. I finally picked it up and decided to give it a go. Wow! It is certainly popular for a reason. What a great read. I felt like a giddy teenager the whole time. Well, I finished the book mere days before the movie hit Blockbuster. Perfect timing.

I'd definitely heard mixed reviews about the Twilight movie. My cousins abhored it. Hated the actress who played the main character, Bella. They thought she couldn't act. Then there were some who thought it was okay. But, I was surrounded by people at work/church who LOVED the movie and thought it was just the best thing ever. They went to see it 5 and 6 times.

Well, personally, I was disappointed. My main concern was just how inconsistent it was compared to the book. Things were added, taken away and totally mixed up. And for someone, like my husband, who hadn't read the book, it was rather slow to him. Neither of us hated it, but we certainly didn't love it either.

However, there was one scene that was AWESOME. We love Muse and their song "Supermassive Black Hole" was in the movie. I think this scene was ridiculously cool. The quality isn't the best, but hopefully you can get the idea.

I send my love to all of you faithful readers!!


Will and Sarah said...

Well put wife. I hope that the movies from here on out are crafted with better all around quality. Have no fear my love, A certain Half Blood Prince greets us this summer with far better quality.

Janie Mercer Slater said...

I'm glad to get your endorsement for the book. I'm going to get and read before seeing the movie. I want to feel like a giddy teenager again!!