Reflecting/South Dakota

10:24 AM 0 Comments »
The cross and its power brings me to a place time and time again of absolute gratefulness. This Savior so full of love beckoned me to Him and in return bestowed upon me a life so rich and so grand. The holidays this year will be unlike any I've ever experienced. There are so many changes in my life that happen to be falling around this time.
I got to spend Thanksgiving in South Carolina with the Troutman clan. I was once again welcomed with open arms by my new family. There was plenty of laughter, delicious food and endless football.
I was challenged that same weekend when I heard and despite being incredibly tired, took something from a great message at church. Was I fully grasping not only the magnitude of amazing changes happening but my heavenly father, who orchestrated it and was in the midst of it all? Had I taken the time to prayerfully come to Him, thanking Him and asking for His continued guidance throughout?
I guess I am just reflecting, and I appreciate you sticking it out.
So, I'll be heading to South Dakota in less than a month for my brother's wedding. Yes, SD in January. Is my brother and new sister in law insane? Of course they are. But, people that I love dearly will be there with me to laugh at the insanity.
I leave you with weather averages and a photo of houses drenched in snow from South Dakota. Enjoy.
Average Temperatures: January, 21.9° F
Average Annual Precipitation: 39.1 inches of snow

A Nude Finger

11:26 AM 1 Comment »
Engagement still finds me ridiculously distracted by the glorious shiny beacon on the ring finger of my left hand. However, this amazing goodness has been absent for about 4 days now, and I have been in constant, “HUH, where’s my ring, oh my gosh, my ring…oh that’s right, it’s being resized” mode. Let me share with you the heart wrenching moment when ring left finger last Thursday.
I think my finger is smaller than it once was and the store where the band was purchased may also run a little large, so pretty much since the ring was slipped on my finger, it has been a little too large. I thought at first, wow, this is a comfy ring but when I went to show it to someone (quite often), the diamond would be on the inside of my hand. So…with that evidence coupled with the push of my fiancé, I made my way to the store where purchased to get it resized.
I was greeted by a swarm of smiley women all eager to be of service. I went with one and told her of my plight. I was whisked away to the rear of the store where a fairly intimidating woman stepped forth and demanded my ring…my ring! I felt violated as I slipped the ring off of my finger. She then proceeded to scan it with some diamond device and then she just laid it, oh so nonchalantly, on the counter. I got my new size and expected to wait for a few minutes and regain the ring. But, oh no, she slipped my baby into this little bag and said I could pick it up sometime on WEDNESDAY. Yes, almost a full week.
I pretty much sulked like a little girl on that long walk out of the diamond store. It reminded me of what it may feel like the first day your child starts school or if you let someone keep your pet or if you got stabbed in the chest with a sharp object. I regain my ring a day after tomorrow, though, and couldn't be more pleased. I just want what is rightfully mine, returned to me, in the proper size. Thank you.

The Engagement/Proposal Told by the Girl

5:19 AM 2 Comments »
Okay, so weekends are usually pleasant, some really good and then there are those rare weekends where something so phenomenal happens that they go down in the all-time best weekend ever (is that show still on?) category.
My fiance already blogged about this amazing weekend, and I thought I should tell you the story from the girl's side of things...

Most of you know how Will and Sarah came to I am going to go right to this past weekend where it all went down. Will was in town to go with me to my friend, Anna's wedding. I was a bridesmaid and Will was the perfect and patient boyfriend throughout rehearsals, dinners, picture taking, etc.

It also happened to be my birthday weekend, so there were pressies (or presents) residing in Will's suitcase for me. There were gifts that he wanted to give me upon arrival Thursday night, and he mentioned that there was one he wanted to save. He called this gift a "birthday preview". He had ordered something online and it hadn't come in, but he was going to "preview" this for me.

Well, Saturday took us to an early lunch with my fabulous friend, Becky, and after that onto Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden where it all happened. Upon entering the garden, a map of the garden convinced Will that the treehouse would be the perfect spot for the preview. So, we walked around in the gorgeous weather snapping pictures and enjoying the atmosphere. After a bit we spotted the treehouse and started to make our way inside. It cleared out and Will suggested we get on with the preview...

The preview was on Will's mac. He began to tell me that he had created a photo album with captions that showcased our adventures so far over these last months. It started with music to accompany the slideshow. Seconds into it, this dude strolls up in the treehouse with his kid. Will starts to freak out a bit, and I suggest we finish it in this little alcove further down. As we made our way down, Will kept saying, "This never happened...we are starting fresh...we'll just start from the beginning" Mildly put, he was worried and trying to reassure himself that it was going to be okay.

The slideshow is over and Will states that there is a picture missing (there was a picture of the ring box at the end that was deleted). "I guess the real thing is better anyway", states Will, and he shuts the laptop. His opening line is, "How long have we known each other now...". A thought flashes through my mind; "this is not what I think it is, is it?". He then proceeds to the telling of the sweetest things on earth and I am feeling more affirmed that this could be happening. He gets a box out of his bag and proceeds to get on one knee..."oh, holy mother of pearl, he is proposing". He asks me to marry him, slips the ring on my finger and I am so stunned by this and this new gorgeous presence on my finger that I am unable to utter the yes that Will still on one knee was waiting for. I quickly respond with multiple yesses.

I learn after this that everyone knew; father, mother, brother, Becky, Will's family and was a perfectly planned surprise, and Will and I find ourselves engaged and planning a wedding/move. There you have it; my side of it. The smile hasn't left my face.

And then there was Bananas Foster

10:22 AM 5 Comments »
"High-low" was a little game that my friend, Laura, and I would play at the end of our day while in Europe last summer. It pretty much sounds like it is; high and low point of the day. I was reminded of that when I experienced my high at the Cheesecake Bistro yesterday.
I met mom for a little shopping, and we decided to grab a bite to conclude our evening. (our salad was good and yes I’m throwing that in there to make up for what comes next-dessert!) Now, just a few bites of something sweet was required and well, hello, we were at the “cheesecake” Bistro, so naturally we ordered a slice. Usually, I would lean towards, oh say, white chocolate or raspberry or strawberry. For some reason though, I felt like trying something completely different and ordered the Bananas Foster Cheesecake. I figured it couldn’t be so bad.
I hadn’t figured on just how “not so bad” it would be. There was a syrupy and sweet party going on in my tummy. Bananas, caramel, sugar, pecans, graham cracker crust, whipped cream, cinnamon, OH MY!! Definitely a high. Check out the video and witness a true tummy party.

This is Pure Foul

8:32 AM 1 Comment »
As I was entering the doors at work this morning and making my way up the stairs to my area, it hit me. Something reeks. The further I got up the stairs the stronger it got and upon arrival of my desk it was straight up foul. No solution could be found when I asked my co-workers. With slight familiarity to the stench, I have thoughts on what it could be;

1. An animal got trapped in the ceiling and lives no more
2. Someone has a gallon of milk stashed in their office
3. Someone blew up the bathroom in what could only be the explosion of the decade.

I have a Warm Apple Crisp candle burning on my desk which offers some relief but at times mixes with the beast and turns this sickening new smell. I am gladly accepting ideas or insights to my current plight. Any creative, intuitive or humorous suggestions, bring it!

Adidas Response

2:24 PM 5 Comments »
The reality has hit me that with this new addition to my life called blogging, comes one more thing to keep up with. I can be fairly undisciplined at times and tend to go through spurts and cycles. I kind of hate that about myself and really want to make strides to improving. There is something healing about admission, right?

I want to pat myself on the back and wish for you all to as well after reading this. Working out is no stranger to my undisciplined cyclic patterns and with this crazy summer of traveling and what not, I have definitely let exercise slip by the wayside. I have, however, in this last week put it back into my rotation. Let me briefly (yes, Will, I said briefly) tell you about how I got back on the horse; the horse I want to stay on.

I think we all need a little motivation sometimes and 2 weekends ago, when my awesome boyfriend, Will, made his way up to ole’ Richmond (story for another blog) the motivation was purchased; purchased in the form of my new running shoes.

Saturday took Will and I out and about to explore and see the sights in the beautiful weather. Our last stop was to Dick’s sporting goods where our initial goal was to purchase a football but, it quickly became much more than that. My running shoes at the time were at least a half size too big, and I had been using them for more than 5 years. Yeah, ridiculous. So, with the suggestion of the boyfriend, we perused the shoes. I ended up trying on several pair and eventually landed on the super cute, lightweight Adidas Response. I knew as I sat there with this new shoe on my foot, that this was the motivation I needed; proper and really cute shoes.

I am proud to say that since that purchase, my body, carried along by my new Adidas has found itself atop the elliptical machine and on the run for over a week now. If you were wondering, the football was also purchased, thanks to Will (also super cute) and is getting good use.

So, get off your couches, turn the Halo off, close the mini-fridge and get out there. New shoes, running buddy, whatever it takes; it is really worth it, and I hope this trend continues! I am off. Where? To work out, of course.

A Changed Woman

6:48 PM 9 Comments »

Okay, so the last time I blogged was an entire year ago when I had the awesome experience of 2 months in lovely Europe but then it hit me that there are some pretty awesome things happening here in the states that I think I should enlighten you all with.

I had originally planned to write about the following when it occurred about a week ago and still am…I have just had an amazing weekend, so it’s difficult to go back a week but here goes…

The last minute, unexpected happened Monday the 10th when I received a phone call which resulted in a weekend excursion to Charlotte, NC and then on to Columbia, SC. The expedition to these places was birthed by my boyfriend, Will. This was a two-fold weekend, hence the two cities. Charlotte brought us many Joyes of various kinds including things like a four star movie, shopping with new friends, $6 shoes, gaming marathons, delicious and baked thoroughly cookies, etc. etc; great times and even greater people to share them with.

Columbia brings me to the football and the crux of this blog. Now, anyone who knows me knows that I am not a football fan. Before I am judged and cast aside let me explain my reasoning. I have sat with my father and brother and other jovial males as a football game is televised. Concentrating and striving to understand, I have watched this sport. I wait and wait while the camera pans to the coach who is usually angry and then to the players and maybe a sneak peek at the cheerleaders who animatedly cheer on their team and then here comes the momentous event; the play. Hike, throw, whatever and seconds later there is a pile of large men with one guy under the human rubbish and I just feel jilted. After the game is over all I have done is wait expectantly for a play that lasts about 3-5 seconds, BUT last weekend something happened.

The boyfriend mentioned in the 3rd paragraph is insanely interested in South Carolina gamecocks football and free tickets to see them play were offered to us. We accepted, and I found myself at my first live football game. The air was a buzz with excitement, the seats were a sea of garnet and black, and I became a child of 10 with my head on a swivel taking in the excitement of the atmosphere. That excitement continued into the game itself, and I found myself cheering and whole-heartedly loving the experience. A USC game was televised this weekend and although I didn’t watch the whole thing, I can say that I watched pieces and it wasn’t torture at all. I can further say that I cannot wait until my next live football experience. A changed woman? You had better believe it!