Back Home from Slovakia

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It is difficult to fathom that we have already come and gone from Slovakia. It always feels that way, but you are shocked by it every time.

God was so good to me during our flights; especially coming home. The takeoffs and landings and all that lied between effecting me very little, and I am so grateful for that.

Well, our amazing students arrived on Tuesday evening and it was pretty non-stop until we arrived home on Wednesday night. These were some of the best english speaking kids I've ever had at a camp. We tested them as they arrived and placed them in classes late that night.

Will and I each had an upper intermediate group and taught in classrooms next to one another. Mine was a bunker style room and felt quite comfy vs. creepy, which was they way I thought it might feel. Will's classroom was the ping pong room; how perfect!

My class:

Will's class:

So, here's what a day at camp looked like.

6:30 AM wake up for 7 AM leaders meeting. We had a small devotional and prayer time.

8-8:45 AM Breakfast

8:45 AM Camp dance, morning announcements, etc.

9-11 AM English class

11:15-12:15 Initiatives- this was a time where there was some kind of activity with our english class which prompted conversation. This would generally be in Slovak, but the point was to get them talking and about deep and thought provoking topics.

12:30-1:30 PM Lunch

1:30-2:30 PM This was the time to hang out with students in a non-structured atmosphere and to relax a little.

2:30-4:30 PM Sports/Crafts- Will and I hung out with students and played sports during this time. We tossed the American football, played some basketball and one day Will taught a few kids the basics of football and we played a quick touch game. Super fun!

4:30-6ish PM Group Activity- I say 6ish because during this time where we played a group game with our English class, we usually played until we finished, which varied every day. We usually played for our dinner. Our class was barely last the first day but was first the next. These games were both physically and mentally grueling.

6-7 PM Dinner

7-8 PM Planning for evening program

8-10 PM Evening program- this consisted of the band playing a few songs, a video each night, icebreakers and an evening talk. These were awesome. Will had the privilege of speaking one night, and he did an amazing job.

10-12 E-Nite- We planned 3 of these and the Slovaks the other 3. We had a luau, a bonfire with smores and an international night. The Slovaks planned 3 awesome nights as well.

So, there you have it. A day at camp.

One day we took a 10 mile hike uphill with loose rocks. Yes, it was insane. The feeling of accomplishment when we reached the top was pretty substantial. The trip down was a little rough for my ankles, which couldn't not be wobbly, but I look back with fond memories.

Top of the mountain:

Awkward siblings:

The descent-we were at that tower:

After camp we had follow up with students in the park in Bratislava. We played sports, danced, talked and said our final goodbyes. That night we went to Castle Devin, which overlooked Bratislava. It was gorgeous. Really cold and I got sick as a result, but totally worth it.

Our team, last night:

Will and I both think of this trip as one of the best we've ever taken. It was amazing to do ministry together. It's something we've really never experienced together. This is my 4th trip to SK and Will's first. We were praying before we went that if God was calling us to ministry in that capacity that He would make it clear to us.

We had dinner with Mel and Amy Ellenwood one night. They work for Josiah Venture in Czech Republic. They met us at camp and just shared their story with us. We asked questions, they shared scripture with us and we prayed together. This was a powerful time. I tell you all this, to ask you to pray for us as we pray through this.

One of my favorite memories of the trip was the return from camp. Will, Laura and I rode back together, all crammed in the back seat. We danced to Under the Influence of Giants, laughed and just experienced the goodness that is the 3 of us together. How blessed were we to work with Laura and share in this experience with her. Love you, Laura!

This is really long. Hope you stuck around for it all! Love you.


palomako said...

just one small correction... :) that evening we were at the Bratislava Castle; Devin Castle (or at least the rest of it) could be seen from the Parlament building when looking towards Czech republic...

happy to read you enjoyed being here ;)